Sunday 7 May 2023

Just a Play Day

 Thurs. 4th. May was a bit of a 'play day', play morning really, at Punta Parda with The Smart One.

Pushed off laden down with a selection of paddles, the Ecklar-Rolly trolley (see blog post 24/09/22) and all the bits of kit that I feel a lone, and elderly, paddler ought to have available when on the sea. I wanted to satisfy myself that I was using the right length paddle for this kayak, find out what the kayak felt like with the trolley secured on the back and check everything else was easy to reach if ever needed.

Most of my time on the water was spent in the calm water of the bay. Only after I had played around with different paddles and other stuff did I venture out into open water. I had confirmed that the main paddle I had been using, and the spare paddle I had been carrying, were definitely the best choice, and I was fine with the stowage of all that other stuff.

Bit of a long, lazy swell outside of the bay with a gentle southerly breeze adding a chop to the surface. The weight of the trolley on the back made no difference to the feel of the kayak. Forgot it was even there after a while.

All good now for further little adventures with the Neris Smart 1 kayak.

Time on the water was 2 hrs. and total distance paddled was 5.0 kilometres.