Wednesday, 15 June 2022

First Paddle of 2022

 I was late getting out with a kayak this year - and very late adding the trip to this blog.

Saturday April 16th. at 10:00 am and Embalse de Negratin was glassy calm with barely a breath of wind.  It was an ideal morning for an open water crossing from Playa de Freila to re-acquaint myself with the 'badlands' side of the reservoir.  The last time I did this was early in May 2017.  On reaching the other side I turned left and followed the shore towards the dam - much the same route as nearly five years ago.  However, as always, the shoreline looked totally different because the water level was much lower than that last visit.  When I got within sight of the dam I crossed back to the Playa de Freila side and meandered back, hugging the shoreline, to my starting point.  One of the highlights of this trip was coming across a terrapin which appeared to be as curious about me as I was about it.  On the few occasions I've seen terrapins on the shoreline of the reservoir they've 'plopped' into the water long before I get near them, never to reveal themselves again.  This little fella did 'plop' into the water but couldn't resist, it seemed, bobbing back up at intervals to see if I was still around.

I didn't expect the little terrapin to surface again quite so close to me.

A few photographs of the 'badlands' area:

On this trip I used my Gumotex Halibut kayak.  Time on the water was just short of 5 hrs. and total distance paddled was 10 kilometres.

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

My folding kayak is now for sale.

My Neris Valkure-1 folding kayak is now for sale.  Purchasing it in 2016 was a brilliant re-introduction to kayaking but for the sort of kayaking I do it is too sophisticated and hasn't had much use these past couple of years.

It is no longer with me in Spain.  Simon Bolze of Neris Water Sports U.K. (email: ) at Reading is selling it on my behalf.